Any events submitted after 9:30PM ET on Friday, September 29th will NOT be included in the Hitchhiker’s Guide, Google Calendar, or iCal file. But you’ll still be able to see them here on the website.

If you have an event you would like to host at Constellation, you’re in the right place!
Whether you’re looking to run a Tea House or Saloon out of your theme camp, looking to organize a kickball game or scavenger hunt, or want to stage roaming Shakespearean readings right after the burn, let us know the details and we’ll help get the word out!
See what’s been submitted already!
Keep in mind: Dawn will be around 6:50 am, with sunrise around 7:15am. Sunset will be around 6:50pm, with dusk around 7:15pm.
Important Notes: When entering event information please use regular, upper and lower case English and punctuation. Emoticons, sms abbreviations, and RaNdOm caps though radically self expressive may not display consistently and are a pain for our volunteer staff to remove. Copy may or may not be edited for length, content, or grammar. Remember this user created content will live forever on the internet, so please keep it PG-13.
This form is currently closed for submissions.
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