All participants are welcome to create art at Constellation! Art enables humans to grow, thrive, learn and love. Art projects thought, feelings, movement and participation. It creates experiences and can help build community.

If you did not apply for an art grant and are bringing art as an individual or as part of a theme camp, thank you! Even if you did not apply or receive an art grant, you can still apply for placement with City Planning. 

We’re proud to not only administer and offer art grants but to help all artists fulfill their creative visions and contribute to creating community-building experiences. We support and promote radically-expressive, community-based, interactive and/or collaborative projects that help shape the creative core of the event.

Information on Art Placement for Constellation 2024

If you applied for an art grant (whether selected for funds or not), your Art Support liaison will work with you and the City Planning team to place your art. You do not have to fill out a separate art placement application. 

If you did not apply for an art grant, please email us at, and we’ll contact you about placement!


If you have a pre-registered art installation or are looking to register an art installation at the event, please stop by the Greeter Station and ask to speak to either a City Planning or Art Support volunteer. If we are not nearby, a volunteer will radio for one of us to come over to the Greeter Station to help get you placed in the right spot, find a great place to display your walk-in art pieces, or help get answers to questions you may have. Please do not place art without approval of City Planning.

“Giant Pachinko” by Alexander Griffin, PDF Spring 2015, photo by Sara Muskulus