Start Time End Time Event Name Description Location Audience What to Bring Type of Event
10:30 AM 11:30 AM Sunday Waffles

A tradition for decades now, dating back to the Assateague days! Join us for some home cooked goodness. Take the scrapple challenge, too! Please bring your own plates and utensils! Real maple syrup will be available, but bring any other toppings you want to share with the community.

Videogasm Everyone

Plates, utensils, napkins.

9:00 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:00 PM 11:30 PM, 11:30 PM, 11:30 PM, 10:30 PM Fire Circle

Come spin with us at o’dark 30sih till we are exhausted . We will spin after the burns not during.

Susquehanna Fire Circle Renegades Everyone

Your sober self and fire props

5:00 PM 5:30 PM Announcement of Winner – Flower Press

Did you participate in the DIY Floral Suncatcher event? Did you get your raffle ticket for participating? Bring it over to Camp du Jour for the announcement of the winners! There will be 2 (TWO!!!) winners.

If you miss the announcement, you will be contacted and we will get it to you!

You will win your very own flower press to take home with you – now YOU can create your own beautiful works of art using flowers that hold a special place in your heart.

Camp du Jour Everyone

Your raffle ticket

Art, Crafts
12:00 PM, 12:00 PM, 12:00 PM 4:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 4:00 PM Green Your Burn

Green Your Burn camp will be collecting your recyclables this year! Drop off your EMPTY aluminum cans (please do not crush cans), food scraps for composting (can collect in paper bags), empty propane canisters, and vapes and e-cigs. Green Your Burn will be collecting materials F, Sa, Su 12 – 4 pm. Cans will be redeemed and/or bulk recycled in NY and proceeds will be donated back to 2025 Constellation art grants.

Green Your Burn (look for the recycle symbol on the map) Everyone

Recyclable materials for drop off: EMPTY uncrushed aluminum cans, food
scraps, empty 1 lb propane canisters, vapes/e-cigs

2:00 PM 4:00 PM Navigating & Managing Jealousy in Open Relationships

Facilitated discussion covering topics such as; What are the types of jealousy people encounter in open relationships, What to do when feeling jealous or triggered, What to do if your partner is feeling jealous or triggered, Other thoughts on jealousy as an emotional response, What is the difference between jealousy & envy, What is “compersion” & how can we get there

The “Poly Haven” 18+ Only (adult content)

Chair or other seating if desired

Educational, Spiritual
3:00 PM 4:20 PM Steve Stevenson Presents: Behind the Magic!

An in depth look into bringing fully immersive experiences to life. This special workshop dives into every aspect of creating a new reality that brings people out of their daily lives using all 5 senses. We will talk about how surround sound, puppetry, live action, video and sfx can transform someone’s experience into an unparalleled storytelling masterpiece.

Steve Stevenson presents the magic Express camp Everyone

Curiosity and excitement

Art, Crafts, Music, Educational
1:00 PM 3:00 PM Rollz with the Holz

Join the West Virginia burners for the Mountain State Treat ~ The Pepperoni Roll ~the state’s filling favorite sandwich/snack. Created in 1927 by an Italian immigrant for coal minors to simplify meals while working in the mine. This self enclosed snack sandwich is simply pepperoni in a bread roll. (some will be available with cheese & other variations). Swing on by & share a roll with the Holz. No vessel is needed – just an empty hand!

Glass Holz Everyone Food/Drink
1:00 PM, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM, 2:00 PM Authentic Relating Games

Authentic Relating Games were created to give you a playbook for how to begin relating on an authentic level. Often communication starts and stops because we feel unsure about how to approach it, what to say, or what to ask. Turning communication into a game provides a guiding structure and set of agreements for everyone involved. This removes a lot of the stress and anxiety from connection, and adds in an inviting element of play.

Camp “You Are Here” Everyone Educational
2:00 PM 4:00 PM Sunday Soirée

This event is inspired by and remembers the Tea Dances of the 1950s and 1960s. Originating in New York, these social events were organized so the gay community could gather during a time when it was illegal for bars to serve alcohol to known queer people. With a set list featuring LGTBQIA artists, this day time dance party is for everyone. BYOB.

The Alphabet Cookout Everyone Music
3:02 PM, 3:02 PM, 3:02 PM 4:20 PM, 4:20 PM, 4:20 PM Jam time

Bring anything you consider an instrument to BoF and participate in some spontaneous, directionless, and sometimes atonal, communal music making.
The galaxy’s most “called barrel of fun” Noise Camp brings the phonics once again for what is sure to be, according to inside sources, one of the musical events of the weekend.
All talent levels welcome!
3:02pm daily (yay delaware)

Barrel of Fun 18+ Only (adult content)

Something that makes noise.

Art, Anarchy, Music
12:00 AM 1:00 AM Pickle-Pair-A-Dice

A bar game featuring homemade pickle juice in a variety of flavors paired with top shelf liquor. Roll the dice to find your lucky pickleback! Roll doubles for a daring pairing! If you roll, you must drink! Shot glasses are provided for an ideal experience.

Camp Field Trippin’ 21+ Only Food/Drink
12:00 PM, 12:00 PM, 12:00 PM 2:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 2:00 PM Espress yourself with Babes!

Come on over and have some espresso and cold brew with some tip top babes over at the not creepy blue van!

Only Beans Everyone

A cup, and some sass

12:00 PM, 12:00 PM, 12:00 PM 2:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 2:00 PM Espress yourself with Babes!

Come on over and have some espresso and cold brew with some tip top babes over at the not creepy blue van!

Only Beans Everyone

A cup, and some sass

10:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 10:00 AM 1:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 1:00 PM Saturday Morning Cartoons with Saturday Morning Part-Twoons!

Remember when you used to roll out of bed on Saturday morning, pour a bowl of sugary cereal, & flop down in front of the tv in your pajamas to watch cartoons? Re-visit those carefree weekend days with us! We’ll be showing cartoons, and we’ll have treats & libations influenced by your favorite cereals (alcohol available, but booze-free cereal is also an option). Just bring yourself, your pjs, and whatever helps you get that sweet crunchy goodness into your mouth!

Saturday Morning Part-Twoons theme camp Everyone

Bring whatever implements will assist you in consuming cereal (cup, bowl, spoon, etc), your ID if you want your cereal boozy – your favorite pjs are optional!

12:00 PM 2:00 PM Pasta Necklace Crafting

Unleash your inner child at the Pink ‘Roni Club with the timeless craft of pasta necklace making! With various silly shapes and colors to choose from, you will be looking like a snack in your stylish, whimsical wares. Feel free to BYOB (bring your own beads) or we’ll also have a selection to adorn your necklace with if you want some extra flair.

Pink ‘Roni Club Everyone

A sense of whimsy, beads if you want!

3:00 PM 5:00 PM Principles Discussion

Radical Inclusion, Gifting, Decommodification, Radical Self-Reliance, Radical Self-Expression, Communal Effort, Civic Responsibility, Leaving No Trace, Participation, & Immediacy. Lets talk about them and what they mean to us.

Nama Stay in Bed 18+ Only (adult content)

An Open Mind

Educational, Spiritual