Each adult (18+ at the time they enter the Gate) must have their own ticket, in their own name. Minors aged 13-17 must also have a ticket and can use either an adult ticket or a special minor ticket. (See the Burning With Minors section of the General Ticket Info page for more information on minor tickets.)
If you have two adult tickets associated with your name/account when you arrive at the gate, then whomever the second adult ticket is for will not be able to enter the event. This is because you must complete the online waiver in advance of arriving at the gate, as tickets information is pulled from the online waiver system. The only exception is for minors – see the Burning With Minors and Online Waiver section of the General Ticket page for more information.
If you have two (or more) tickets associated with your name/account, you must transfer it to the intended recipient before you both arrive at the gate. Instructions on how to transfer a ticket are below:
STEP 1 – How to Transfer a Ticket
- Go to tickets.constellationburn.org and log in using the email address you used to purchase your ticket.
- Click on My Tickets
- Click on TRANSFER
- Enter in the email address of the person to whom you’re transferring the ticket.
- The ticket will still show up in your purchases under My Tickets, but the ticket number will be voided and a new number assigned to the recipient.
Once you’ve transferred your ticket, your account should look a little like this:
STEP 2 – How to Receive a Transferred Ticket:
- You’ll receive an email notification from tickets@tickets.constellationburn.org with the subject line: Constellation Ticket Transfer
- Sign into tickets.constellationburn.org using the email address used to receive the ticket transfer.
- Click on My Tickets.
- You’ll automatically be brought to a page to complete the online waiver.
- Once you complete the waiver, your name will appear next to your ticket number on the My Tickets page.
There are always people who mistype an email address or send it to the wrong person. If that happens, please immediately email tickets@constellationburn.org and provide your name, email associated with your account, and the correct email of the intended recipient. We will respond to these requests typically within 48-72 hours, so please complete your transfer and check it has gone through as soon as possible. As explained above, if the ticket transfer is not performed correctly and you do not complete the online waiver after a ticket has been transferred to you, your name WILL NOT appear on the ticket list at the Gate when you arrive. Please do not be that person that causes a major backup at the Gate, and make sure your transfer is done long before the event!
If you run into problems or have any questions, please contact tickets@constellationburn.org.